Ellen Wood

Physicians and authors review Ellen's book

Ellen Wood & Marianne Williamson

"Ellen Wood has truly laid claim to her authentic self and is providing a powerful and inspiring model for living a joyful, energized life at any age."

Marianne Williamson
internationally acclaimed lecturer, and New York Times #1 bestseller
Author: The Age of Miracles - Embracing the New Midlife

"Here’s a simple-to-follow method, created by Ellen Wood, that will help you feel young and vital again."

David Simon, MD
Medical Director, Chopra Center for Wellbeing, Author: Grow Younger, Live Longer

"Ellen Wood has integrated this century of positive thinking and its effect upon health to the next level – its power not only to retard aging but to reverse it!"

C. Norman Shealy, MD, PhD
Founding President of American Holistic Medical Association
Author: Life Beyond 100 – Secrets of the Fountain of Youth

"If Ellen Wood is 71 as the cover says, she does indeed have a secret method for growing younger; her photo alone would draw readers into her book! In the first few pages one immediately feels, senses the authenticity of the author's strong voice. Ms. Wood specializes in anti-aging, a premise I've never seen vis a vis The Secret, Oprah or anywhere, but using the power of the mind in slowing the aging process makes great sense. Knowing whereof she speaks, Ms. Wood therefore writes from her heart and soul, offering seemingly easy-to-follow steps to logical goals. The straightforward approach makes the process believable, and not at all daunting or lofty. With this very universal subject, I could imagine a strong readership for this book."

Writer's Digest review comments

"Ellen Wood's clear set of instructions for using the power of the mind promises you an exciting and fulfilling personal journey to youthfulness."

Barbara De Angelis, PhD
Author: How Did I Get Here?

"Let Ellen Wood, and her step-by-step guide for claiming youthfulness, help you find your center, live your truth and celebrate joyfully all of those deep connections in your life."

Larry Dossey, MD
Author: The Extraordinary Healing Power of Ordinary Things

"Here is a truly inspiring journey to youthfulness. Just follow the step-by-step instructions and this exceptional book by Ellen Wood promises to bring youthfulness into your personal life while also transforming our collective destiny."

Richard Moss, MD
Renowned International Spiritual Teacher
Author: The Mandala of Being

"This book presents the perfect blend of ancient wisdom and modern thinking. Ellen's practical method guides the reader along the bright path to health, joy and youthful living."

Dr. Steven Ross
Author: Curing the Cause & Preventing Disease

"Ellen Wood's book is yet another affirmation that our thoughts form the core of our experience of reality. This is a guide to accessing youthfulness and opening our lives to our creative intentions."

James O'Dea
President, Noetic Sciences Institute

"I didn't believe her when Ellen Wood told me she's 71. Here's a role model for getting fit and youthful even if you're decades younger than she is."

Joe Marcoux
Author: Boutique Thinking in a Big Box World

"I loved it! This is a great book which will help many people. It also gave me deep insights into what a lovely, spiritual person Ellen Wood is. And she's the most gorgeous 70-year-old I have ever seen. What a magnificent example she is of what 70 can look like!"

Kate Corbin

Law of Attraction Life Coach
Author: Dining at the Cosmic Cafe and Think & Grow Thin

"The easy-to-follow methods in Ellen’s book will quickly lead you to a more youthful, joyful and heart-centered life."

Mitchell Gibson MD
Renowned Psychiatrist and International Mind-Body-Spirit Teacher
Author: The Living Soul

"Following Ellen Wood's method will not only make you feel younger, your friends will soon be asking you for your secret."

Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN
Global Healing Center
Natural Health and Organic Living

"Thank you, Ellen Wood, for pioneering a new frontier in remembering the Inner Fountain of Youth. Even the scientists and quantum physicists now tell us that we are composed simply of energy-light. This book reminds us how to realize that Light that we are. Thank you, Ellen, for inspiring readers to rewrite their scripts, revision their lives, reclaim their true selves, reSource themselves and restore their Balance."

Mary St. Marie
Artist and author of The Holy Sight

"Aging is a distortion of our Human potential. This Truth is being revealed through the awakening taking place within the hearts and minds of Humanity. In this enlightening book Ellen Wood presents wonderful tools to help us reclaim our youth."

Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

"With Ellen Wood's guidance, we open to a place where life speaks to us in the heart of our connection with being, rather than life speaking of the conditioned beliefs about aging. We can then enthusiastically dialogue with our inner voice, using our imagination and vision to remap our thoughts and conditioning. Re-directing our thoughts, feelings, and experiences, we can reflect the authority of our inner wisdom, choosing to grow in a way that is unconditioned and uniquely ours - finding our secret path to the garden of youth."

Flo Aeveia Magdalena
Author: I remember Union and Sunlight on Water

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